Wednesday, May 1, 2013

MCM Expo London

Two weeks from today I am heading for London, UK, one of my favorite places on earth. Not only do they have great food and pubs, museums, and sites, it is also the home to the Exel Centre in the Docklands where for the past several years has hosted the MCM Expo (comic-con). I have been to the last three and have all plans of attending on the 25th of May this year, as well. Not only will I be there as a fellow geek, nerd, fan - whatever you'd like to call us - most adjectives fit me, but I will also be there in my official capacity as a staff member for Amazing Stories Mag website following the revelers and taking photographs and conducting some interviews, too. So if you're in London on 25-May, come on over to the Excel and get your geek on with me. Cheers!